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Irrigation Water Quality Management

With growing demands for expanding irrigated acreage, there is an increased pressure on irrigated farms to consider using nonpotable alternatives. However, low quality irrigation water can adversely affect soil physical conditions and crop production.


Soul of Krishi provides consultancy on  in-depth information on the following aspects of agricultural tube well irrigation water quality:

  • Importance of irrigation water quality

  • Major attributes of irrigation water quality

  • Common units used

  • Salts content

  • Toxicity and their sources.


In the absence of easy solutions to correct the water for irrigation we offer the best ways to use such poor quality tube well water for growing horticulture crops and in protected cultivation at least cost.

As the water table levels are going down, so is the quality of water in tube wells.  Farmers everywhere know how important good water is! Many use drip irrigation and/or large center pivot sprinklers systems. Unfortunately in many parts of the country, well water often has very high levels of salt and hardness, and as a result, salt builds up in the soil over the years making it hard, impermeable and unsuitable. High salt and minerals in the water injure plants and clog up irrigation systems which adds cost and time to maintenance. It becomes difficult to produce successful crops on such soils using poor quality waters.

We understand the difficulties farmers are facing in the era of dwindling water resources and fast rate of decline in water table depths. They are facing mounting criticism over water usage and chemical applications. Our team of experienced Scientists with their years of farming and industry experience in the field, offer farmers the location centric solutions . We work to make the water being used more efficient and provide the resources to help growers implement changes. We provide  information to ensure the proper nutrients are being utilized to ensure a healthier crop and most importantly soil under such situations with the goal to increase return and ensure the overall health and performance of the crops increasing the return. As no two farms are ever the same we look forward to serving personally and individually providing our knowledge and support to your unique situation. We listen to your needs, review and evaluate your farm, review your goals, and tailor unique solutions to meet those specific needs and goals. More importantly, once a solution is delivered, we can assist you with solution implementation, ongoing management, and/or evaluation and improve recommendations.

We offer Virtual and on-farm education to farmers through interested corporate houses who can sponsor such classes. These classes may be advanced, hands-on source of training for those who want to correct their irrigation water quality and restore the health and function of our living and life-giving soil ecosystems to teach producers that it’s their stewardship and their efforts that can regenerate their own land and water resources.

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