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Land Use Planning for Farms

Our motto "Keeping the farmers on the land"


What's at Stake

Nothing less than our future.

Because of rapid urbanization and mass movement of population towards cities The ownership of over one-third of Indian agricultural land will be in transition within the next 15 years. These realities and farmers financial status are now coming to a head with a demographic tidal wave the likes of which Indian agriculture has never seen. Both family farmers and the land they own and steward are hence at risk. Meanwhile, would-be farmers often can't afford to enter the field. To steward farmland well requires knowing it well. We need many eyes on the ground and many hands in the dirt. But farming is a tough job. Farmers operate on very slim margins and are often only one dry spell or a flash flood or hailstorm or one attack by pest and diseases or farmers medical bill away from ruin.


Much of that land could be lost to agricultural production, unless we can find a way to get it into the hands of the next generation of farmers. That’s a big challenge There are plenty of Indians who want to become farmers, both young people starting out and older people starting second careers. But farming have high barriers to entry, coupled with low financial returns. Many people who want to farm simply cannot afford to do so. New farmers need help with a wide variety of services


How we work

Our Mission: is to ensure the future of farming in India by putting more farmers more securely on more land. We envision a vibrant landscape of working farms managed by thriving farmers. Entire communities will benefit from increased farming opportunity, healthy lands, and a more secure food supply.


To save land that feeds us by retaining the farmers on land, promoting   land use systems, by promoting sound farming systems by protecting farm land  and if ownership change then to advice new owners to reap the same or better from the land. We understand the land, the science, and most importantly, the people.


Land Use Planning Can Help Foster a Sustainable Agricultural by: minimizing subdivisions and wasteful use of productive farmland, protecting loss of land productivity,  directing livestock operations within the farm, help develop areas identifying priority environmental issues and encouraging best management practices and help development accommodating certain types of businesses that support agriculture within farm boundaries. We win by putting more farmers more securely on more land.

We provide caring support and expert guidance to help farmers, landowners and communities navigate the complex challenges of farmland access, tenure and transfer. Our comprehensive and collaborative approach achieves customized solutions and helps realize family, farm business and community goals. 

We envision a vibrant landscape of working farms managed by thriving farmers. Entire communities will benefit from increased farming opportunity, healthy lands, and a more secure food supply.

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