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Organic Farming

Who We Are

We are professional soil scientists and real farmers who combine decades of experience to help our farmers who are interested in starting organic farming, successfully implement organic farming through regenerative agricultural and ecological principles that replace the input-intensive, agricultural model to enable organically sustained profitable farming operations.


Who We are Not

We do not sell or recommend products that promise "dramatic yield increases". Our services are designed to enable sustained profitability by helping our farmers successfully implement organic practices that restore soil health and ecosystem function while reducing dependency on toxic chemicals, expensive inputs. In short, we help in making your farm an organic farm.


We offer consultancy in following areas focusing basically on environmentally safe, toxin free and affordable organic production environment. We offer farmer centric tailored advice and solutions

Our approach is to enhance your soils ability to feed the crops and make the plants internally resistant to diseases and pests through:

  • ​Enhanced nutrient availability in soil through carbon enrichment, microbial intervention and internal cycling

  • Balanced nutrient absorption proportional to each other

  • Supplement Growth with limiting nutrients in a balanced manner

  • Beef up Plant Metabolism

  • Augment Plant Health with bio Inoculants

  • Protect Plants from diseases and pests and other stresses to minimise Yield Loss

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