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Plant Health and Nutrients Management

We work on the principle " Healthy Crop For Higher Yields And Healthy Income" through "Demand More From Plants And Less From Planet"


We  are professional soil scientists and we live and breathe by one goal: To enable a sustainable future for farming through balanced nutrition with least adverse impact on soil and plant health. We aim at enhancing profitability through enhancing nutrient use efficiency. We do this by advising the farmers tailoring to the requirement of individual farmers field, crop and soil with available technology that help them grow more with less  by making plants reach their full potential, sustainably. Our aim is that every one of our recommended new agronomic practice, tool or procedures should improve nutrient efficiency, increase yield and projectile profits by maximizing the health of every plant.

Our approach is to enhance internal resistance in plants through:

  • Enhanced nutrient availability in soil through carbon enrichment, microbial  intervention and internal cycling

  •  Balanced nutrient absorption proportional to each other

  • Supplement Growth with limiting nutrients in a balanced manner

  • beef up Plant Metabolism

  • Augment Plant Health with bio Inoculants

  • Protect Plants from diseases and pests and other stresses to minimize Yield Loss

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