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  • Writer's pictureA. N. Ganeshamurthy

Production of Root Based Medicinal Plants in Fermented Cocopeat

Updated: Apr 12, 2020

Depleting root based medicinal plant resources is a threat for survival of Ayurveda. Destructive harvesting has brought about depletion and scarcity of root based medicinal plants. The habitat loss by export of medicinal plants collected from wild sources finally lead to severe and irreplaceable loss of genetic stock of many of these species. This video shows a simple and economically viable technique for sustainable production of medicinal plant roots like dashamoola, ashwagandha, Ginseng, Hrevera, Jatamasi, Sarpa Gandha, Satavari, Rakta Chitrak, Khus/khus, Bach, Anantamool, Pashan Bheda, ginger, turmeric, and many others. The method is highly useful in preventing wild collection, threat to biodiversity and conservation of Life-saving medicinal plants under threat from biodiversity erosion.

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1 comentário

A. N. Ganeshamurthy
A. N. Ganeshamurthy
24 de mar. de 2020

great blog

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