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  • Writer's pictureA. N. Ganeshamurthy

Snake Plant or Mother In-Law's Tongue - Indoor Plant

Updated: Jul 1, 2020

This video explains in great depth about advantages of growing an indoor plant namely Snake plant, also known as Mother In-Laws Tongue. It emphasizes about how to take care of the plant, how to multiply it, its diseases and its cure.

This is part 1 of 5 part series of Indoor air purifier plants. Stay Tuned for more!

Namaskar. Today we show how to Grow Indoor -The Best Air-Cleaning Plants

We spend more than 14 hours inside home. Indoor Air is not pure and fresh and we are always surrounded with polluted indoor air. This is causing several health problems like irritation, lack of good sleep and even may lead to stroke and lung cancer.

Pollutants are not visible to our eyes and even we may not smell some times.

Indoor pollution is caused by several chemicals in the house, other products such as smoke from non-stick pans, bad quality oils, carbon monoxide in poor air circulation rooms, gas water heaters, refrigerators, AC and other house appliances.

We must purify air with indoor plants to reduce risk of serious long term health problems

We have many air purifying indoor plants. The best five Air-Cleaning Plants are

  1. Mother-In-Law’s Tongue (Sansavierya)

  2. Areca Palm

  3. Money Plant



Mother-In-Law’s Tongue also called as Snake Plant and Bedroom Plant releases oxygen at night hours and absorbs many pollutants and purifies the indoor air. About six plants can clean the air in a normal house

Areca Palm absorbs poisonous gases Pharmaldehyde, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and gives clean oxygen. Four such plants can clean air in a house

Money Plant cleans the chemical toxins from the air and releases fresh air into the atmosphere. Since it helps reducing medical expenses it is called money plant

PEACE LILY removes toxic carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene from the air

SPIDER PLANT has short and narrow leaves and removes pollutants like benzene and formaldehyde

We now show how to grow and maintain Mother-In-Law’s Tongue or snake plant

Mother-In-Law’s Tongue is a green plant with no stem and only leaves fill the pots. Leaves can grow up to 6 feet tall and produces many leaves filling the pots

This plant is unique having Crassulacean acid metabolism. This helps the plant to give out oxygen only at night.

It can survive without water for a long time

There are more than 70 types of Mother-In-Law’s Tongue But five most important types of Mother-In-Law’s Tongue are grown indoor

Dracaena trifasciata





When should we multiply the plant for growing indoor? We can do any time but it is better to avoid winter months


Mother-In-Law’s Tongue can be grown on any soil. But it should be well drained as the plant will rot. You can use any standard pot mixtures. Preferrably use 50% soil and 50% compost mixed cocopeat.

Water:  We must water these plants very lightly. Too much water will cause rotting and the plants loose its beauty and do not grow well. We must protect the plants from direct rain to avoid excess water.

Light:  Keep pots of Mother-In-Law’s Tongue in any place in the home where good light is there and avoid direct sunlight exposure.

Let us see how to multiply Mother-In-Law’s Tongue or snake plants

We can do this by four different ways

  • We can multiply by dividing the well grown potted plant

  • We can separate the rhizomes from well grown pots and plant them in separate pots. 

  • We can multiply by planting rhizomes or leaf cuttings or succers in the soil either in glass house for large scale multiplication or at home in pots filled with soilSnake plant propagation in soil.

  • We can also produce roots of Snake plant in water by just putting the leaf pieces in water containers. But we must take care to see that the direction of the cuttings must be proper , the lower part of the leaf should touch water. 

Propagation by division. 

You can easily divide a snake plant in many plants. Just take a fully grown Mother-In-Law’s Tongue pot. Just remove from the pot and holding the plant firmly shake the roots. You will find many plants nitted together. Then separate individual plants and repot in new pots individually.

Another method is Propagation from rhizome. When you closely see grownup snake plant in pots you will notice new rhizomes producing new sprouts. Separate these rhizome sprouts and replant them in individual pots with good quality pot mixture

We can also mass multiply snake plant in soil either in field or in poly house or in big pots using rhizomes or separated individual plants or simply through leaf cuttings. While using leaf cuttings for large scale multiplication use a rooting harmone for better rooting.

Interestingly at home we can multiply Snake plant in water. Just cut leaf blade in to 4 to 5 inches long pieces. In glass containers with water just arrange the bottom portion of the leaf cuttings to slightly dip in water. Leave it for 8 weeks with intermittent changing of water. We will get rooted plants. This can be takenout and planted in pots with pot mixtures

When we multiply plants at home we will be cureous to know how long it will take for the plants to grow. Snake plant is very slow in growing. We must have patience to grow this plant. It will easily take at least six to eight weeks just to see root growth and may even take two to three months to see any solid roots and another four to eight weeks after that for your snake plant to show growth above the soil line. So it may take almost six months for a new potted plant to come to its normal indoor plant size.

Snake plant mainly suffer from rotting. This happens when we water the pots frequently and apply excess water. Once you notice rotting immediately remove the plants from the pot, separate rotten portion and repot in a clean pot with good potting mixture.

Mother-In-Law’s Tongue or snake plants also gets attacks by mealy bugs, mites and scales. Best mantra to control these insects is regular hand picking. Or spray with neem seed dicoction or chilli-garlic paste solution.

Keep 4 to six potted Mother-In-Law’s Tongue or snake plants in your home and bedrooms to purify the air inside and enjoy fresh air indoor.

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