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We offer consultancy in following areas focusing basically on environmentally safe, toxin free and affordable production environment. We offer farmer concentric tailored advice and solutions


Soil health is the core for success of any farming entrepreneurship. Get expert advice on how to rejuvenate and improve your soil health and therefore increase productivity and profitability on the farm while sustaining the operation for the future generation.

Trowel and Soil

Get our advice in correcting micronutrient deficiency problems through enhancing availability of micronutrients, internal cycling and balanced nutrition approach. Get a farm centric, soil and crop specific tailored advises and suggestions on cost effective products and their method and time of use for better blooms and better value.

Garden Hose Sprinkler

Poor quality water is the single problem faced by farmers using tube wells. Learn more on adverse effects of low quality irrigation water and get ideas on how to correct such water problems and improve it to restore the health of soil and regenerate the land and water resources.


We help farmers in nutrient management by enhancing nutrient availability, nutrient use efficiency through cost effective means. Our approach for disease and pest management is toxin free natural treatments that help them grow more with less  by making plants reach their full potential, sustainably.

Green Goodness

Gets expert advice on how to start organic farming, how to manage plant nutrition, weeds, diseases and pests, increase productivity and profitability of organic produces on the farm while sustaining the operation.

Tiny Green Plants

The nursery business can be extremely competitive. To stay profitable, a small nursery needs to actively market its services by producing seedlings and plants at low cost. For this survival of seedlings in the nursery and protection against soil-borne /media-borne diseases is essential. We offer tailored cost effective nursery methods and material for strong sturdy and healthy production of plants.

Vegetable Patch

Farming is a tough job. Farmers operate on very slim margins and are often only one dry spell or a flash flood or hailstorm away from ruin. Changing land use for efficient and effective management would ensure protection against such calamities and ensures sustainable profits. We guide farmers in this endeavor of farmers who are in need.


New entrepreneurs frequently fail because of wrong approach they follow. One in five new entrepreneurs often discontinue. We in Soul of Krishi  help such farmers to reconsider seeking help from Soul of Krishi and survive in the farming business.

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