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Soil Health Management

Soul of Krishi is putting an effort to help farmers, gardeners, urbanites, protected cultivators, entrepreneurs and new entrants to farming across India by applying soil health-focused, rejuvenative and regenerative agriculture systems. Our purpose behind the venture is, besides rejuvenating and improving soil health, we must regenerate soil and bring back our ecosystems to normal status. We focus on restoration of beneficial worms, insects, pollinators, birds, and wildlife

Our  goal is to educate producers on the importance of soil health through private counseling on their farms. The consulting will focus on ecological conservation principles that emulate nature’s design through basic soil health principles that can be applied consistently, practically and profitably in any farming operations.

We focus on these soil health principles:

  • No or minimal  soil disturbance.

  • Never leave soils bare.

  • Never grow monocrop. but grow diversified crops in the  fields.

  • Manage live stubbles  as-long-as possible.

  • Integrate livestock into the farming operation.

Our purpose is to teach producers how to rejuvenate life in soil, regenerate the soil being lost, reduce or eliminate toxins from soil,  increase productivity and profitability on the farm while sustaining the operation for the future generation.

Our team will provide online advice and  telephonic or email consultations and visit the farm to get the farm’s goals accomplished through a well developed implementable plan and get back the farm on the right track to regenerate soil,  produce nutrient dense food while being more profitable. advanced ecosystem function, internal carbon, water and nutrient cycles.

We offer Virtual and on-farm education to farmers through interested corporate houses who can sponsor such classes. These classes may be advanced, hands-on source of training for those who want to restore the health and function of our living and life-giving soil ecosystems to teach producers that it’s their stewardship and their efforts that can regenerate soil on their own land.

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